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Second Coming Sermons

Understanding The Book of Revelation (Twenty-Four Part series on the entire book of Revelation)
Focsuing On The Future  (Seven Part series dealing with escatology)
Getting Ready For Your Future (Seven Part series on the Seven Churches of Asia)
Unsealing the Book of Daniel (Seventeen Part series on the entire book of Daniel)
Sermon - Part 10 of 11 Growing in Readiness based on 2 Peter 3:8-13
Sermon - Living in the Last Days based on 1 John 2:18-29
Sermon - Time to Serve based on Mark 13:32-37
Sermon - The Second Coming and You based on Luke 12:35-48
Sermon - How To Live In The Last Days based on 1 Thessalonians 5:4-15
Sermon - Questions About The Second Coming

To view the introductions to these messages and download them click here.  Search our database for other sermons relating to this topic such as, "Second Coming, Last Days", etc.