TEXT- 2 TIMOTHY 3:14-17
Since today is the first Sunday of February, it is our theme day when we emphasize the theme of our church.
Our 1997 theme is, “The Committed Church” and we are studying what the bible says concerning the things we are to be committed to as God’s people.
During our last theme day we learned that God is calling each and every one of us to be committed to him.
This morning our text is found in 2 Timothy 3:14-17 and the title of my message is, “Committed To The Word.”
Today, many people’s concept of commitment is like that of the chicken who told the pig in the barnyard, “Hey, let’s open a restaurant with the feature meal being, ham and eggs. We could make a fortune.” The pig replied, “That’s easy for you to get enthused about. For you it would only be a contribution; but for me it would be a total commitment!”
Lou Holtz, the famous ex-football coach of Notre Dame once said that some people’s concept of commitment is like “The kamikaze pilot who flew 50 missions. He was involved, but never totally committed.”
This morning I would like us to consider three things that will be evident in our Christian life when we are totally committed to the word of God.