Part 5 of 6

Text- Revelation 3:14-22


This morning is our monthly theme day when we are emphasizing our 1997 theme and goal which is to become a committed church.

So far we have learned that God calls each one of us to be committed to him and that we need to be committed to the truths of his word and sharing the gospel with those who are lost.

This morning our text is found in Revelation 3:14-22 and the title of my message is, “Commitment to the church.”

An uncommitted person once commented on the topic of apathy saying, “I’m neither for nor against apathy.”

Apathy is destroying many of God’s churches these days.

And the only way to combat it in the church is for us to become more committed. (Prayer)

Employees in a Detroit business office found the following notice posted on their bulletin board: "the management regrets that it has come to their attention that workers dying on the job are failing to fall down.  This practice must stop, as it becomes impossible to distinguish between death and the natural movement of our employees.  Therefore, anyone found looking dead in an upright position will be taken off the payroll."

In becoming a committed church we have to also become committed to the church.

This morning I would like us to consider five things that are involved in being committed to the church.