TEXT- MARK 10:35-45


A father and son were having a conversation with one another. "Why don't you get yourself a job?" asked the father. "Why?" responded the son. "So you can earn some money,” replied the father. "Why?" asked the son. "So you could put some money in a bank account and earn interest." replied the father, "Why?" asked the son. "So when you're old you can use the money in your bank account...and you won't have to work anymore." replied the father. To which the son responded, "I'm not working now."

Someone has said, "Anything worth having is worth working for."

This year our church has established several new goals for 1994 that are very much worth working for and achieving.

During this New Year the theme of our church is, "The Serving Church" and our spiritual goal is for each one of our members to discover one way that they can serve the Lord both within our church and community.

On the first Sunday of every month this year we will have a special theme day service so we can keep our goals and theme before you throughout the year.

Our new theme verse this year is found in Mark 10:45 which says, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many."

On our theme days I will be preaching from the Gospel of Mark on various aspects of our new theme showing how we should be servants as Jesus was a servant.

This morning our text is found in Mark 10:35-45 and the title of my message is, "The Secret To Greatness."

Here in this passage we find three essentials for becoming great.