TEXT- MARK 3:13-19
Once each month our church has been having a theme day to emphasize our 1994 church theme which is, "The Serving Church."
I have been preaching from the book of Mark to show the various aspects of being a servant for Jesus.
Serving Jesus is not something that comes naturally, but rather it is something that we need to be trained for.
A business owner liked to get to know all his employees. One day while walking through his offices he came upon a new man who was counting out a large amount of cash and placing it into pay envelopes. As the owner observed how expertly the man did this he asked, "where did you get your financial training?" "From Yale," replied the new man. "That's good," responded the owner, "I'm a firm believer in being professionally trained. What's your name?" To which the new man replied, "Yackson."
One of the reasons why so many Christians and church members are not involved in the service of the lord or effectively serving Jesus is because they have not been properly trained to serve.
This morning our text is found in Mark 3:13-19 and the title of my message is, "Trained To Serve."
What does it take to be trained to serve God? Let’s look at three things together.