Text- Job 1:20-22


In life there are many different ways that people experience the issue of loss.

Some experience the loss of their finances in going.

Others experience loss of their family through some tragic accident.

Others experience the loss of their possessions.

After my mother and father were married they were moving to Ohio and their moving van was struck by a train and they lost everything they owned.

Some experience loss of their health through disease, or accident.

The orange county register reported that a man from Norway while on a cruise at sea bent over the rail to look at the water and lost his false teeth in the ocean. Several months later he read in the paper where a commercial fisherman had caught a fish and discovered some false teeth in its stomach. The man without teeth went to the fisherman and after putting them in his mouth discovered they were a perfect fit.

Job was a person who was very well acquainted with loss in his life.

In chapter 1 verses 13-17 he experienced the loss of his finances and possessions.

In verses 18-19 he experienced the loss of his family.

In chapter 2 verses 7-8 he experienced the loss of his fitness.

Then in verses 11-13 we find how he experienced the loss of his friends.

This evening as we continue with this issue of life I would like us to consider how to respond to loss.