Text- John 4:1-26, 39-42


Tonight I would like to continue with the study we began on the issue of divorce.

Divorce is always ugly.

What began as a "Ken and Barbie" romance turns out to be a "Kramer vs. Kramer" war of the roses relationship.

U.S. News And World Report said marriages are ending in divorce at the rate of one every twenty-seven seconds!

No one is immune from divorce and is something that affects all age groups.

Fifty-percent of all marriages end in divorce.

One fourth of the marriages of people in their early fifties will end in divorce.

A fifth of all divorces involve people over forty who have been married longer than twenty-five years.

Divorce is something that happens to lost people outside of the Lord's churches, but also to saved people who are members of one of the Lord's churches.

Quite often husbands and wives think that divorce is the only way to end the problems they are having only to discover that the things they experience going through a divorce are even worse.

Tonight I would like us to consider some of the things that are associated with going through a divorce.