The Occult And The Bible Part 5 of 7

Cults, Occult And World Religions

Galatians 5:19-20, “What human nature does is quite plain. It shows itself in immoral, filthy, and indecent actions; 20in worship of idols and witchcraft.” (TEV)

1 Timothy 4:1, “God's Spirit clearly says that in the last days many people will turn from their faith. They will be fooled by evil spirits and by teachings that come from demons.” (TEV)

Interest in the occult is a rising phenomenon in America according to Dr. Charles Rice who is the dean of the Clear Creek Baptist Bible College in Kentucky.  He also points out that it is especially growing in interest among teenagers.  By the occult is meant astrology, palm reading, witches, witchcraft, communicating with the dead, and Satanism.  He points out that many times teenagers get into the occult by such games as Dungeon and Dragons and the Ouija Board. Also, through music and videos which are available to them.  Some rock groups are also Satanists who promote the occult and these kinds of activities.

Geraldo Rivera, sometime ago, had a television special on Satanism in America.  He documented the fact that it is a rising phenomenon in America.

While it is true that there are some common aspects or crossing-over between cults and the occult, they should not be confused with one another.  Some cults might not  have occult practices, but both are connected by teachings that are in opposition to the Bible.

Tonight we will look at: The Development of the Occult Core Beliefs of The Occult Three Categories of Occultism What Does The Bible Say? What Should I do?