Tonight I would like to begin a new series of lessons on the topic of angels called, “The Good And Bad About Angels.”

A pastor was visiting some of his members one afternoon. As he knocked on one woman's door, she called out, "Angel, is that you?" The preacher replied, "No--but I'm from the same department!"

As we consider the subject of angels I would like to divide it into two parts.

The first part will include a study about good angels that are the angels of God and the second part about bad angels, which are the angels of Satan.

Before we do this however I would like us to examine five things all angels or spirit beings have in common.

Within the Bible the word "angel" is used in all its forms 220 times in 33 books.

Dr. Walter Martin, author of the best selling book, "Kingdom of the Cults" once said that there are two great dangers concerning the spirit world.

The first one, he said, was too much fascination with it and the second was, ignoring it completely.

Some have based everything they know about the spirit world on their experiences and have become fanatics.

On the other hand there are those who have become scared off by these fanatics and don't want to know anything at all about this topic.

In order to find a balance we need to study what the Bible says about these spirit beings called angels.