Text- Matthew 4:18-22
The last time we were studying about the topic of Evangelism on Sunday night we left off looking at the need to have a desire to evangelize and also some of the things that get in our way and become barriers to evangelism.
a. Fear
b. Excuses
c. Laziness
d. Substitutions
Fishing for fish is exciting and so is fishing for men.
A college choir was all set to present its program of music in a large church. Each of the songs were going to be carried live over the local radio station. When everything seemed to be ready, the radio announcer made his final introduction and then waited for the choir director to begin. The first tenor in the choir was not ready, however, so the director refused to raise his baton. During this whole time nothing but silence was being broadcast. Becoming very nervous, the announcer, forgetting that his microphone was still on and that he could be heard through the entire church as well as over the air, said in exasperation, "Get on with it you old goat!" Later that week, the radio station got a letter from one of its listeners - a man who had tuned in to listen to the music from the comfort of his easy chair. When he heard the announcer say, "Get on with it, you old goat!" he took the message personally. He hadn't been doing anything in his church to win people to Christ and this short startling message was enough to convict him and get him going. As Christians and as a church we need to get on with witnessing to those who are lost and get excited about it.
Tonight as we continue with our study on Becoming Fishers Of Men I would like us to consider five ways that will help us stay excited about evangelism.