Part 3 The Principle of Observation

Developing good observation skills is one of the most critical elements of any Bible study. Everything else that follows as we study the Bible depends on how well we’ve truly seen what’s going on in a given text. If we come to a particular passage believing we know exactly what is there, we won’t look at it very closely. But careful observation forces us to jettison our presuppositions, many of which we may discover are not as accurate as we’d initially assumed.

Webster’s Dictionary defines observation as the “act of recognizing and noting a fact or occurrence”; it means to be mentally aware of what one sees. The purpose of observation in Bible study is to saturate yourself with the content of the passage in Scripture, to become as familiar as possible with all that the biblical writer is saying and implying.

Accuracy is important in observation. Not everything you read will be of equal value in ascertaining the meaning of the passage. So you will have to learn to discern what is important and what is not. Practice and concentration are the two ingredients that will sharpen your expertise.