Text - Proverbs 18: 10-16


Over one hundred years ago when the first telegraph was sent over wire by Morse Code, Mr. Morse said, “Look at what God has done.”

What do you think someone would say today?

More than likely they would say, “Look at what man has done.”

There was a time in our nation when people did lift up and honor God. That was common in almost ever aspect of society.

It wasn’t something that was just limited to church. It was in business, schools and everywhere.

Yet, today in our society it seems like man is the one who is being lifted up more and more.

The Bible says that we are the creatures, and God is the creator. This should humble us. We should be humbled by the things He has done in our lives and the ways that He works.

As we look at our text tonight I would like us to consider how we can please God by being humble.

Someone has said that when you realize you’re humble, you’re not. I don’t agree with that statement. I believe that when you are humble it can be seen. Not only by yourself, but also, by others.

What is involved in being humble and how is a humble person different from a foolish person?

What does a humble person do? Tonight I’d like us to look at five ways to express humility.