Text - Joshua 2:1-7
This year the theme for our church is “The Church With A Mission.” We have been studying the Book of Joshua and looking at the mission God has given to us as individuals as well as a New Testament Church.
This year we have a specially designed program called Jesus’ Secret Service (JSS) to help you participate in our church theme. All the information about this program is in our bulletin. I encourage you to get involved in this to make our church theme more personalized.
Last month we learned that God told Joshua and the nation of Israel to cross the Jordan River and go into the Promised Land.
This year, we too are going to cross many rivers for God as we carry out His mission for our church.
These rivers aren’t going to be easy. We will need God’s help along the way. But God has promised to be with us each step of the way.
God helped Israel conquer and take possession of the Promised Land and He will also help us win our community to Christ.
God will help you to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself this year and He will help us accomplish the goals we have set for ourselves as a church.
So far this year we have done things that we have never done in the past. During our visitation Saturday last month we had 17 people go out into our community to invite people to attend our services and witness to those who are lost. That has never been done at this church before. Those 17 people also came to a special evangelism training class the Wednesday before to learn what to do and say.
Last month we learned that God has given all of us an important mission. We need to take our mission seriously.
This morning our text is found in Joshua 2:1-7 and the title of my message is, “How To Carry Out God’s Mission.”
As we study this passage I would like us to look at how God’s mission for Israel was carried out and how we are to carry out His mission for our lives today.