Life From A-Z in the Word Part 4 of 22
Psalm 119:25-32
Tonight we’re going to continue with our study in Psalm 119. As we do this, I’d like us to consider, “How To Pray During Tough Times.”
How many of you have gone through tough times? TODAY!!! Tough times are inescapable. Everyone, no matter who we are will experience them. Tough times are also variable. They can deal with marriage, your career, your finances, your heath or just about anything. Even golf! Tough times are also purposeful. Tough times can either develop you or destroy you. Let’s say two people go through tough times by getting laid off from their job. One person is developed, edified, their character is built and they grow stronger as a result of their tough times, but the other one crumbles under the pressure they experience from their tough times. Why is there a difference between the two? It’s because of the way they responded to their problem.
One way to respond to the tough times of life is with prayer. If troubles drive you to prayer, prayer will drive your troubles away. That means that tough times are also conquerable. How do you pray to God when you’re experiencing tough times? Here in verses 25-32 David gives us five necessary ingredients to include in your prayers.