TEXT - LUKE 2:8-20
A father had two sons, one was a confirmed optimist, the other a pessimist. One Christmas he decided to put them to the test and see how far they would carry their traits. On Christmas morning the boys come downstairs to see what Santa had brought them. As the father hid behind a door and watched, the first boy, the optimist found a leather halter and a small horsewhip with his name on them. The seond boy, the pessimist, found many presents waiting for him. As he unwrapped the gifts with a bit of sadness, his cheerful brother asked, “What did you get?” “No much, just the usual - games and things - nothing I really care about. What did you get?” The optimist brother replied, “I got a pony, but it ran away.”
This morning our text is found in Luke 2:8-20 and the title of my message is, “The Glory Of Christmas.”
Christmas is a glorious time of year!
It is filled with excitement and fun!
Everything seems to smell better and even look better during this time of year.
And, no wonder... for Christmas had a glorious beginning.
Here within this familiar passage we find the glorious Christmas story about the birth of Jesus Christ.
As we examine this passage I’d like us to experience the glory of Christmas through the pages of God’s Word and notice three reasons why Christmas is such a glorious event.