Part 5 The Truth About The Millennium

Not long ago, the world was anticipating an event known as Y2K, the beginning of a new millennium. Many people were either relieved or disappointed that the beginning of the 21st Century was such a dud; no computer outages, no societal shutdown, just life as normal. But there is a millennium worth looking forward to with great anticipation, a period of time known as the "millennium " or "the kingdom age." This millennium, spoken of in the Bible, is the climax of history on earth when Christ will reign for a thousand years.

If you look in an English Bible concordance for the word millennium you’ll probably be disappointed.  That’s because while there are many Bible verses that teach about the millennium, the literal word is not mentioned in the Bible.

Throughout its history, the world has known many kingdoms, dynasties and empires.  Some have been spectacular others have enslaved and slaughtered their citizens.  Regardless of how we remember them, they all share the same common denominator – human leaders.  Even in our own day, many think if we could just get the right people into office then mankind would be free to reach its full potential.  However, during the Millennium Jesus Christ will be the ruler of the earth.