Part 6 The United States And Prophecy

In a discussion concerning prophecy one of the most frequently asked questions is whether or not the United States is mentioned in Bible prophecy.  Something inside us wants to know what will ultimately happen to our great country called the United States of America.  An interest in this particular subject has risen in recent months because of the terrorist attacks against our country.

Does the Bible have anything to say about America in the last days?  What will happen to the U.S. in the end times?  How do we fit into God’s prophetic plan for the future?

When you think about it, our interest in America’s role in end time prophecy could be thought of by others as being a little self-centered or even arrogant.  After all, you have probably never heard someone ask about the role of India, Scotland, Australia or Mexico in the last days.

All of the great nations and kingdoms of the world like Israel, Egypt, Russia and Rome are mentioned within the Bible.  The United States is the most powerful nation in the history of the world.  So, what’s going to happen to the United States?

Everyone who studies prophecy agrees that the United States is not mentioned by name anywhere in the Bible.  Nevertheless, America is clearly a part of the general framework of prophecy.