TEXT - LUKE 2:8-20


Christmas is somewhat of a paradox.  Webster’s dictionary defines the word “paradox” as “something with seemingly contradictory qualities.”

While Christmas is probably the most festive times of the year, for many, it is the most depressing time of the year.

That’s because they don’t have the joy of Christmas.

Christmas is a time when singing and laughing can be heard in the air.  It is a time when brightly colored lights decorate homes and stores.

It is a time when the spirit of love and giving are exhibited.

During one of our services this last week I asked those present to participate with me in the message for this morning by writing down those things that are associated with Christmas that give them the most joy.  They were asked to finish the statement, “The joy of Christmas is...”  I’d like to share with you today some of their thoughts.  This is what they had to say:

    * The joy of Christmas is being able to be with my family.

    * The joy of Christmas is the wonder and love in the eyes of a child when they open their gifts.

    * The joy of Christmas is singing Christmas carols and praises to God.

    * The joy of Christmas is sitting at night in the dark with just the Christmas tree light son and thanking God for His blessings.

    * The joy of Christmas is experiencing the spirit of love in our church.

    * The joy of Christmas is making new friends in our church.

    * The joy of Christmas is knowing that I’m saved.

    * The joy of Christmas is celebrating the birth of Jesus.

This morning the title of my message is “Do You Have the Joy of Christmas” and our text is found in Luke 2:8-20.  As we consider the story concerning the birth of Jesus recorded in this passage I would like us to look at three reasons why there was joy on that first Christmas.