Tonight we are going to continue with our study from Song of Solomon on the topic, "How To Have A Magnificent Marriage."
Our text is found in chapter 7:1-9 and the title of my message is, "How To Deepen Your Marriage."
In several places we have seen where both Solomon and Abishag have described each other's physical characteristics. In chapter 4 Solomon described 8 characteristics that he saw in Abishag starting with her eyes and descending down her body to her genitals. Now in this passage Solomon begins with her feet and ascends to the top of her head describing 13 different characteristics he saw in her.
This implies that there has been some growth in their relationship since they were married and that they have become more familiar with each other.
As we examine this passage I would like us to see how the relationship between Solomon and Abishag deepened during the period between the honeymoon and the tomb and look at six areas in which a marriage should grow.
When we finished chapter 6 we found in verse 13 another question being asked. In the first part of the verse the daughters of Jerusalem cried out to Abishag saying, "Come back, come back, O Shulamite; come back, come back that we may gave at you!"
Then in the last part of the verse Solomon asks the daughters of Jerusalem, "Why should you gaze at the Shulamite as at the dance of the two companies? "
In the Middle East it was customary for a wife to dance seductively in front of her husband, but not that way in front of others.
So as we begin looking at chapter 7 we find Abishag dancing in front of Solomon and him describing what he sees.
A pastor was preaching a revival service in the south. When he was done he invited the congregation to make their commitments. He first asked if anyone would make a commitment to stop smoking. Several people came forward. Then he asked how many would stop drinking. Again a number of people walked the aisle. Then he asked everyone who was willing to give up dancing to come forward. Only one person responded. A man who couldn't dance even if he wanted to because he had a peg-leg.
Let's look now and see the areas in which your marriage should grow.