Tonight I'm going to conclude my series of messages from the Song Of Solomon on the topic, "How To Have A Magnificent Marriage."

In these 13 messages I have tried to show you what God's standard for marriage is and what your marriage can be like.

I hope it has helped you and that your marriage has become stronger as a result and that you have also learned something about building a relationship with each other.

Our text this evening is found in chapter 8:5-14 and the title of my message is, "How To Divorce Proof Your Marriage."

Today in the United States divorce has reached epidemic proportions, and no one is immune. The number of divorces doubled between 1970 and 1980 and today the divorce rate is more than four times higher than it was in the 1960s. Nearly 50 percent of all those that married in the late 60s and early 70s have already divorced. Statistics also show that 65 of all new marriages fail. Those who live together before marriage are anywhere from 50 to 100 more likely to get a divorce.

In spite of these statistics, almost 3/4 of adult Americans believe that "marriage is a lifelong commitment that should not be ended except under extreme circumstances." In fact, even 81 of divorced and separated Americans still believe that marriage should be for life.

So how do you divorce proof your marriage. It all begins with the basic building block of faithfulness.

A young man was getting married and he made one request: "Never look in the trunk of my car." She said, "OK." On their 40th wedding anniversary, the wife's curiosity got the better of her and she opened the trunk of her husband's car. There she found three ears of corn and $10,000 in cash! She quickly closed the trunk, went to her husband and asked him what the three ears of corn and the $10,000 were doing in the trunk of his car. He then confessed that every time he was unfaithful to her, he would put an ear of corn in the trunk of his car. Her - immediate anger was somewhat tempered when she realized that in 40 years, he had placed only three ears of corn in the trunk. Then she asked, "What is the $10,000 for?" He replied, "Every time I got a bushel of corn, I sold it."

Tonight I'd like us to look at four foundations for faithfulness that will help you to divorce proof your marriage.