The word "revelation" means "a disclosure or unveiling or revealing of something that was hidden or unknown.
It comes from the Greek word for apocalypse.
In the book of Genesis we find the "book of beginnings" while in the book of Revelation we find the book of the end times.
The author of the book is John and was written about 96 ad.
• Matt. 4:21 - was the son of Zebedee.
• Matt. 27:56; Mark 16:1- his mother was Salome.
• John 19:25 - was the cousin of Jesus.
• Matt. I0:2 - was an Apostle.
• Mark 3:17 - was nicknamed the "sons of thunder" by Jesus
• Mark 5:32 - was with Jesus when he raised Jairus' daughter
• Mark 9:2 - was with Jesus at his transfiguration.
• Mark 14:33 - was with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.
• Gal. 2:9 - was considered a pillar the church at Jerusalem.
He wrote the fourth gospel of John.
He wrote the three epistles of John.
And he wrote the book of Revelation from the island of Patmos
• The island was about 10 miles long
• 6 miles wide.
• located in the Aegean sea
• very rocky and barren island
Some have tried to say that the book of Revelation is a “sealed” book and therefore cannot be understood.
It is true that it is a difficult book to translate or interpret because of its many signs and symbols.
But in Revelation 1:3 we are told of a special blessing promised to those who "read, hear, and keep" the words of this book.
Revelation 1:3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.
If the book can not be understood, then why was the promise made?
In this book we find that John was commanded to write three different things.
Revelation 1:9 I, John, your brother and fellow partaker in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance which are in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos, because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
• “The things which you have seen” - that has to do with chapter 1 and the vision of Christ
• “The things which are”- that has to do with chapters 2 & 3 and the messages to the seven churches of Asia
• “The things which will take place after these things” - that has to do with the end time events that are found in chapters 4-22.