In trying to give a good interpretation of these verses, we must be aware that it is impossible to be absolute about who these two witnesses are.
The reason for this is because the Bible does not say who they are.
We are told many things about what they do and what happens to them, but we must not be dogmatic about who they are.
In studying all the possibilities, there are two people mentioned in the Bible who do fit the description of the two witnesses.
In all fairness however I would like to give you some of the other opinions that exist today. Some say they are:
• Enoch and Elijah
• John the Baptist and Elijah
• Israel and the Church
• The two divided kingdoms of the nation Israel
• The Word and the Church
• The Word and the Holy Spirit
• The Holy Spirit and the Church
• Moses and Elijah
In studying these verses we must keep in mind that these two witnesses are to be taken literally and not figuratively.
It must also be remembered that they are real persons and not objects.
Some of the proof concerning this is:
• They preach or prophesy vs 3
• They are clothed in sackcloth vs3
• They have the ability to perform miracles by the power of God vs6
• They are killed vs 7
• They have bodies vs 8-9
• They are called prophets vs 10
• They have feet vs 11
With this detailed description we must come to the conclusion that these two witnesses are very real people.
Let’s look now at two observations concerning this time and how it can be applied to those who will be here on earth.