Text - Luke 7:11-16


This morning we are celebrating Easter.  But just because it is Easter today, doesn’t mean it should not be Easter every week, or for that matter every day of our lives.

Every day we should give thanks to God and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What is the resurrection to you?  What does it mean to you?

To those who are children of God it is a vital doctrine in our overall faith.  If Jesus did not come forth from the grave, then our faith is in vain.  Everything that we believe, everything that we do, everything that we have ever done for God is useless and means nothing if Jesus did not rise from the dead.

If he is not alive, everything that we try to do for God is needless and means nothing.

So, the resurrection is the foundation doctrine to our entire system of faith and practice.

To some though, the resurrection is silliness.  To others it is confusing.  They don’t really grasp the importance of it.

It’s kind of like the three men who were given Good Friday off from work and told to enjoy their Easter weekend.  Somewhat confused, the men began to ask each other what Easter was.  The first man said it was the day when everyone goes on picnics and shoots of fireworks.  The second man said, “No, it’s the day when families get together and eat turkey and dressing.”  The third man said, “No, you’re both wrong.  Easter is when we celebrate the day Jesus was crucified, buried in a tomb and three days later came out and saw His shadow.”

Easter is so important to our faith that we need to understand it’s significance for our lives today.

This morning our text is found in Luke 7:11-16 and the title of my message is, “How Jesus Can Change Your Life.”

Have you ever had something or someone die in your life?  Death is a reality that exists all around us today.  People die, animals die, and plants die.

Romans 5:12  Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned--

Romans 6:23  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Jesus is the giver of life!  He was victorious over death!  He arose from the dead!  Because of that He is able to turn that which is dead in your life into that which is alive.  How does He do that?

This morning I’d like us to look at three things that are necessary for Jesus to do a miracle in your life like he did in our text today.  These are three things that will raise what is dead in your life and cause it to be made alive.  They can change your life.