Life From A-Z in the Word Part 15 of 22
Psalm 119:113-120
Tonight were going to continue with our study in Psalm 119 and look at , “How To Be Secure For Sure” in verses 113-120.
A traveler was walking down a road and came to the home of a missionary. Tired and weak, he crawled up to the house and collapsed on the doorstep. The missionary found the man and nursed him back to health. When the man felt better he asked the missionary for directions to the nearest town. Feeling sorry for the man the missionary offered to let him use his horse. He gave him special instructions though on how to ride it. He said, “You have to say ‘Thank God’ to make it go and ‘Amen’ to make it stop.” The man not paying much attention said, “OK”, got on the horse, said, “Thank God” and the horse started walking. Then the man said, “Thank God, thank God,” and the horse started trotting. Feeling really brave the man said, “Thank God, thank God, thank God, thank God” and the horse took off at a fast run. Pretty soon the man noticed a cliff coming up and did everything to make the horse stop. He yelled “Whoa” and “Stop” but nothing happened. Then he finally remembered the right word and yelled “Amen!” The horse stopped just four inches from going over the edge of the cliff. The man feeling safe, leaned back in the saddle, wiped his brow and said, “Thank God.”
Before the terrorist attack on September 11th most of us felt fairly safe and secure. But since that day, no one has. Since 9-11, the United States Government has spent over 40 billion dollars to protect us from future terrorist attacks. Over 300 million dollars was recently spent to protect the athletes at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. Body searches, baggage checks, armed military, and hundreds of other changes have been made to increase the security of our nation’s airports.
All of this plus many other things have been done to help us feel more safe and secure. That’s because all of us need to be sure we are secure. Security is something that concerns all of us. We’re concerned about job security, our financial security, the security of our homes, and possessions. Most of the time when you hear a sermon or lesson at church on security it’s on the spiritual security of the believer which is a very important doctrine found in the Bible. But tonight, I’d like to speak to you about the physical security God gives to us. So, how can I feel safe in an unsafe world?