Text - John 3:1-18
This morning is our theme Sunday when we emphasize the yearly theme of our church. You will find our theme and this year’s goals listed in today’s bulletin.
To reinforce these goals and theme I have been preaching a series of sermons from the Gospel of John chapters 1-12 focusing on the way Jesus cared about others.
If we want to be know as a caring Church we can’t find a better example to follow than Jesus Christ. Everywhere Jesus went He cared about others and we would do well to follow His example.
Each moth we have been emphasizing a different way in which we can show others how much we care about them.
Last month we considered the need to care about those who are lost by witnessing to them and showing them how Jesus died on the cross for all of us.
This month I would like us to consider how we can prove that we care by giving ourselves to others.
Our text today is in John 3:1-18 and the title of my message is, “The Proof That Jesus Cared.”
Here in this passage we find that Jesus proved He cared by giving Himself as a sacrifice for all mankind in order that we might be saved.
Jesus proved that He cared about all of us by giving His life for us and dying on the cross for our salvation.
Today we can show how much we care for others by giving of ourselves to them. We can give of our time, our talents as well as our treasure. This is the real proof of caring about others. It’s not in what you say, it’s in what you do that proves how much you care about others.
The owner of a business decided to make a surprise visit to his shop. While walking through the warehouse, he noticed a young man lazily leaning against a packing crate. “How much are you being paid a week?” the boss angrily asked. “A hundred bucks,” answered the young man. The boss pulled out his wallet and counted off five $20 bills. “Here’s a week’s pay,” he shouted. “Now get out and don’t come back!” Without saying a word the young man stuffed the money into his pocket and left. The warehouse manager, stood nearby, staring in amazement. “How long has that guy worked for us?” the boss asked. “He didn’t work here,” replied the manager. “He was just delivering a package.”
That owner was not a very caring person. We need to follow the example of how Jesus cared for us and become a caring church as well as caring Christians.
As we consider our text today we find three ways Jesus illustrated salvation for us in these verses.