TEXT- Judges 1:1-7
This morning our text is in Judges 1:1-7 and the title of my message is, "How To Be Victorious."
Before we begin this study it is important that we understand the background and reason for this book.
Several years ago we studied the Book of Joshua and learned that God has given all of us a mission in life that we need to complete.
That book describes for us how Israel conquered the promised land when they entered it.
The book of Judges on the other hand describes for us how the people of Israel are defeated time and time again while they are living in the land.
For a period of about 350 years spanning from 1400 to 1100 b.c. God raises up seventeen different men and women called judges to lead the people from defeat to victory.
Thirteen of these are mentioned in Judges and four are mentioned in First Samuel.
With each successive failure the people of Israel become more and more corrupt with each passing generation.
The main verse of Judges is found in both Judges 17:6 and 21:25 which is the last chapter and the last verse of the book and says, "In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes."
Israel's lack of victory in this book is directly linked to the way they compromised God's commands and did what they wanted to do.
As we study chapter one I would like us to consider three things we must do if we want to live a victorious life.