TEXT- LUKE 14:16-21


What does the word evangelism mean?  Webster says that it means, the winning of personal commitments to Christ.  He also says that the word evangelize means, “to preach the gospel and the word evangelist means, one who preaches the gospel.”

Jesus said here in our text that he was anointed by the Holy Spirit, to preach the gospel to the poor.

What is the gospel? It is the good news about Jesus Christ.  It is the message about his death, burial and resurrection and the salvation that he provides for all mankind,

In our text, it says he was sent to proclaim release to those who were held captive, by the bonds of sin.  He was sent to set free, those who were on their way to hell.

Was Jesus an evangelist?  Was he one who preached the gospel message?  Did he evangelize?  Did he try to get those who he came in contact with to make a personal commitment to him?

To all these questions, the answer is “yes.”  Jesus is our example in all things.  He is especially our example when it comes to evangelism.

Tonight, I’d like us to consider the responsibility and need to evangelize.