TEXT- Judges 3:26-30


The book of Judges describes for us how Israel was defeated time and time again by the people who occupied the promised land.

In chapter one we learned that the primary reason for this was because Israel had compromised with these people.

Anytime we compromise our Christian principles we are always going to experience defeat.

Another reason why Israel experienced so many defeats was because of a lack of spiritual leadership.

In chapter two we are told that when Joshua died Israel immediately turned away from God and began to serve and worship idols.

If those who are in leadership positions within the church do not set a good example for God's people to follow then they will not be victorious.

As a result of this lack of leadership, God raised up men and women who served as judges over Israel in order to give them the leadership they needed.

The problem was Israel refused to listen to the judges and as a result they experienced defeat.

We can not experience victory if we do not listen to those who lead us.

With each successive defeat, the nation of Israel progressively became more and more corrupt.

Along with this they also experienced a greater degree of judgment from God.

For instance, in chapter three and four we are told that Israel was defeated by three kings on three separate occasions and each time they were slaves for progressively longer periods of time.

In chapter three verse 8 they served one king for 8 years.  In chapter three verse 14 they served the second king for 18 years.  In chapter four verse 3 they served the third king 20 years.

In each case when Israel finally cried out to the lord to be rescued God raised up a judge that delivered them.

First he raised up Othneil the nephew of Caleb.  Then he raised up Ehud who was left-handed.  Third he raised up Deborah a woman.

This morning our text is found in Judges 3:26-30 and the title of my message is, "Victory Over Afflictions."

In order to understand our text and apply it to our lives we need to read verses 12-25.

In these verses we are told how Israel sinned against God and how the Lord used Eglon king of Moab to defeat them.

After being slaves to Eglon for 18 years God raised up the judge Ehud to deliver Israel from their afflictions.

Are you experiencing some kind of afflictions or trouble in your life right now?

If so, the Lord can deliver you and make you victorious.

In our text this morning there are four things that I would like us to see that Israel did under the leadership of the judge Ehud that lead to victory over their afflictions.

If we too do these same things, we too will be victorious over all our afflictions.