This morning is our theme day and we are emphasizing the theme of our church which is, "The Victorious Church."
In doing this we're studying from the book of judges each first Sunday of the month and learning how Israel was victorious over those who inhabited their land.
After the death of Joshua god raised up 13 different people who served as judges to lead the nation of Israel.
In spite of God's command to remain separate from the gentile nations Israel compromised and experienced one defeat after another resulting in them being taken captive into slavery.
With each defeat, the people of Israel became exceedingly more sinful resulting in longer periods of slavery.
So far in our study Israel has gone through three judges: Othniel, the nephew of Caleb; Ehud, the left handed Judge and Shamgar, who killed 600 Philistines with an oxgoad.
This morning our text is found in Judges 4:1-10 and the title of my message is, "Victory Through Commitment."
A pig and a chicken were thinking about going into the restaurant business together and began discussing what the main dish on their menu was going to be. The chicken said, "i think it ought to be ham and eggs. We could make a fortune." "that's easy for you to say." replied the pig. "for you that would only be a contribution, but for me it would be a total commitment."
If we want to have victory in our life we must be totally committed to four things.