Season Finale - Getting Off The Island
Lost - Episode 6

For the last six weeks we’ve been on an island together as we’ve been going through this relationship series called “Lost” based on the hit TV series where 48 people get stranded on an island.  Today is the season finale and the title of this episode is “Rescued - Getting Off The Island”.

This next Wednesday is the season finale of the actual TV series and you’ll find out how the people finally get off the island.  All through the entire series the people were constantly trying to find a way to get rescued.  On one occasion they built a raft.  But not all 48 people can fit on it so they choose 4 people.

If you were stranded on an island with 48 people and you’re only way of being rescued was to build a raft and you could only choose 4 people to go with you, what kind of person would you choose?  Let’s go to our friends on the island and see what happens.  WATCH THIS “RAFT” (LOST)

It really matters who you choose to invite onto your relational raft because they can impact your life in a positive or negative way.

I discovered this a few years ago.  Debra and I went to Yellowstone National Park for a vacation and my younger brother, Floyd, met us there.  We had planned to do some fly fishing on Henry’s Fork River.  We drove up to the head waters where the three of us were going to take a boat about 10 miles down the river.  We had a great time, but we almost had a terrible tragedy along the way.  

At one point we stopped to get out and walk around.  When we got back into the boat Floyd pushed his paddle into the bottom of the river to push us out into the middle of the river.  But the river bottom was solid mud and his paddle got stuck and he couldn’t pull it out.  Our boat was turned sideways and the river was pushing us.  Floyd kept holding onto the paddle and the boat started to tilt to the left and I could see that the water was getting ready to come into the boat.  Floyd was still holding onto the paddle and his body was stretched out over the edge of the boat.  We were on the verge of taking on water and being capsized, so I decided to push down really hard on the right side of the boat.  When I did that, Floyd’s legs flipped over his head and his body came out of the boat landing in the river.  But because there was so much mud he couldn’t get his footing.  On top of that, his waders were full of water and it was ice cold.  By this time the river was pushing the boat away from Floyd and as I looked back I could see him coming out of the water.  But because he couldn’t keep his footing he immediately fell back down under the water.  Immediately he pushed himself back up out of the water, but his feet were stuck in the mud and he couldn’t get his balance and so he went under a second time.  By this time I was paddling as hard as I could to get back to him.  About this time Floyd pushed himself back up out of the water again, but this time he was spitting water and I could see him getting tired and when I looked into his eyes I could see that he was afraid that he was going to drown.  Then he went under a third time.  I knew if I didn’t get to him immediately he wasn’t going to make it.  So, I paddled as hard as I could and eventually reached him just as he was pushing himself up out of the water.  He reached for the boat and I pulled him in.  He almost froze to death, but we got back home alive.

I tell you that story because who you decide to let onto your relational raft will either impact your life in a positive way or a negative way.  Who you decide to do life with can either capsize your life or can save your life.

If you’re in a relationship that’s been capsized and it’s drowning and going under for the third time, you came to the right place.  As I conclude this series I’d like to  give you three things you can do to rescue your relationship.  And the first thing you need to do is...