Loving On Purpose
Please get your message notes out. Welcome to The Bridge Church and our pre-campaign service for our 50 Days of Love! Last year during 40 Days of Community, we learned that God created all of us to be in community with one another and that he intended for us to fulfill his purposes together.
For many of us, those 40 days were life-changing! It was a season of incredible personal spiritual growth for us as individuals as well as for our church.
Next Sunday we’re going to kick-off a new campaign called 50 Days of Love. We are planning a great service and a BBQ afterwards. Instead of meeting here we will be meeting in the gym. During 50 Days of Love our entire church will focus on learning how to build healthy relationships based on love. I believe those 50 days will be life-changing for you as well as our church.
From the very beginning of time it’s been God’s plan for us to be in relationship with him as well as each other.
Matthew 22:37-39 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38This is the first and greatest commandment. 39And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. (NIV)
God created you and me out of love to love. And the one thing that God wants us to do more than anything else is love him above all, and love each other as ourselves.
God wants you to love him with all your heart, soul and mind. That means God is to be our first love. God desires a total love from us – a love that dominates our emotions, a love that directs our thoughts, and a love that is demonstrated in our actions. God desires a love that results in nothing less than a total commitment of your life to Him.
In the next eight weeks we’re going to focus on living a life of love for God and one another. If God’s greatest purpose for our life is to love him and each other, then how do we do that? How do we love on purpose?