Text- 1 Timothy 1:3-11


This morning we are going to continue with our study from the book of First Timothy where our text is found in 1 Timothy 1:3-11.

As we do this I would like you to keep in mind the outline for this book that I gave to you when we began this study.

In chapter one we are looking at the church's message.

The last time we looked at First Timothy we learned that the central figure of the church's message is Jesus Christ whom Paul described in verses 1-2 as our Savior, our hope and our lord.

Everything that we preach and teach as a church is based upon the foundation of Jesus Christ.

If our teaching concerning Jesus is in error then so will our teaching on the trinity, the church, baptism, heaven, hell and every other doctrine be in error.

As Paul wrote to Timothy he wanted to make sure that the church's message was sound in doctrine.

As we examine what Paul tells us concerning the church's message I would like us to consider three reasons why teaching sound doctrine in the church is so important.