This morning we are going to continue with our study from the book of First Timothy. As we do this we are beginning a new section and a new chapter.
In chapter one we discussed the message of the church.
Now in chapters two and three Paul describes for us the members of the church.
In chapter two he tells us something about the men and women in the church. Then in chapter three he tells us something about the pastor and deacons in the church.
This morning our text is found in 1 Timothy 2:1-4 and the title of my message is, "Becoming Men of Prayer."
A Christian who was out of fellowship with god went ocean fishing with several worldly friends. After they were several miles from land a storm came up and threatened to sink their ship. His unbelieving friends begged him to pray; but he objected, saying, "It's been a long time since I've done that or even gone to church." At their insistence, however, he finally prayed, "O Lord, I haven't asked anything of you for 15 years, and if you'll help us now and bring us safely to land, I promise I won't bother you again for another 15 years!"
As Paul speaks to Timothy concerning the men in the church he stresses the point that they should be characterized as men of prayer.
This morning I would like us to consider four ways we can become men of prayer in verses 1-4.