This morning we are going to continue with our study from the book of First Timothy.
You may by this time be asking yourself Why is Pastor Jackson spending so much time preaching about the leadership of the church from First Timothy chapter 3?
The reason why I am taking my time dealing with this topic is because I believe that it was vitally important to the church in ephesus where timothy was the pastor and that it is also vitally important to the Lord's churches in our day and time and more specifically to our church.
We have already looked at in detail the first half of chapter three which dealt with the qualifications of those who lead the lord's churches as pastors.
This morning I would like to begin looking at the second office of leadership which God placed in his church which is the office of deacon.
A boy was asked by his Sunday school teacher to explain the meaning of the words bishop, priest, and deacon. After giving it considerable thought he answered, I've never seen a bishop, so I don't know what that word means. A priest he said, was a man in the old testament. And a deacon is a thing that sits along the seashore and blinks at night.
This morning our text is found in 1 Timothy 3:8 and I would like us to consider two things about the office of deacon.