This morning I am going to continue with my series of messages from the book of First Timothy on the topic of the church.

As we have been studying this book we have seen that each chapter deals with a different aspect of the Lord's church.

In chapter one we learned that the church has a message to preach which is called the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Then in chapter two we began looking at the members of the church and their general responsibilities.

In chapter three Paul gets more specific and discusses the qualifications of those members who serve as leaders in the office of pastor and deacon.

So far we have examined the meaning of the word "deacon" and learned that it refers to a servant. We have also looked at the origin of the office of deacon and learned how it evolved within the early church. We also spent a considerable amount of time learning about the qualifications of a deacon.

This morning our text is found in 1 Timothy 3:13 and I would like us to consider what Paul says concerning the work of a deacon.

When it comes to workers we find that there are all kinds within the church.

Some are tired, retired, tiresome and tireless. Others are like wheelbarrows that allays have to be pushed. Then there are those who are like trailers who always have to be pulled. Some are like blisters - they never show up until after the work is done. Others are like a theory - they hardly ever work. And then there are those who are miracle workers - it's a miracle when they work.

Basically there are two things found in our text concerning the work of a deacon.