TEXT- 1 TIMOTHY 6:11-14
This morning we are going to continue with our study from the book of First Timothy and our text is found in chapter 6:11-14.
As we consider these verses this morning I want you to keep in mind that chapter six is dealing with the issue of money in the church.
When you think of money there are probably many different things that come to your mind.
For some people they think of making money.
Others think about spending money.
Still others may think about saving money.
Another aspect of money however is how we invest it.
Here in our text Paul is speaking to Timothy about the need to invest his life not in physical things like money and material possessions, but rather in those things that have an eternal importance.
A man was taking a trip by plane and decided to purchase a $100,000 insurance policy. Before getting on the plane, the traveler passed by a scale and decided to weigh himself. He put in his money, stepped onto the scale and a small card came out of the machine. It told him he was 200 pounds and just below his weight there was a message that read, "A recent investment may pay big dividends.”
The things which we invest our life into are the things we are going to be known for. If we invest our life into temporal material things we will have a reputation for being materialistic Christians. If we invest our life into the eternal things of heaven we will have a reputation for being spiritual Christians.
There are two questions I would like you to consider this morning, “What are you known for?” and “Into what are you investing your life?” If we invest our life into the eternal things of heaven it is going to pay big dividends for us in the future.
As we consider what Paul says in our text I would like us to consider four ways to invest in your reputation.