I’d like you to get your message notes out. Today I’m beginning a new series of messages that will last throughout the rest of this year. It’s a series called “Heroes: Ordinary People Living Extraordinary Lives”. And it’s based on the hit TV series called “Heroes”.


In a recent survey Adults around the country were asked, “Does America still have any heroes?” Four out of five adults said, “No, there are no heroes in America.” George Gallup did a poll of kids from the age of 13 to17 and one of the shocking things he found was that 51% of the teenagers said, “I don’t have an adult that I would like to model my life after.”

That’s a tragic statement. We all need models, mentors and heroes because they shape our lives, define our character and clarify our values. Everybody needs a hero.

It’s been said that a society writes its diary by naming its heroes. So I thought, “What are we writing about this generation?” What do the heroes of our generation say about us?

So this weekend we’re asking the question, “Who are your heroes?” Maybe when you were a kid you had a hero. The problem today is the word “hero” is misused. What we think are heroes are actually just celebrities.

The World Almanac asked 2,000 eighth graders to name their hero. Every single kid without exception named an entertainer or an athlete. Those aren’t heroes. They’re celebrities. There’s a difference. So, I thought it would be interesting to give you a quiz and see if you could tell the difference. I’m going to put some pictures on the screen and I want you tell me if they’re a celebrity or a hero. (PUT PICTURES ON SCREEN) Jesus is the ultimate hero. He is our example.

(On Screen) Luke 19:47-48 ...he taught daily in the Temple, but the chief priests and other religious leaders and the business community were trying to find some way to get rid of him. 48 But they could think of nothing, for he was a hero to the people--they hung on every word he said. (LB)

After Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead he appeared to his disciples and revealed to them the marks of a hero in his own body.

Luke 24:40 As he spoke, he held out his hands for them to see the marks of the nails, and showed them the wounds in his feet. (TLB)

A hero is someone who bears the marks of Jesus. They follow his example and pattern their life after his. Their character and integrity match his. A great example of a spiritual hero in the Bible is the Apostle Paul. WATCH THIS VIDEO - “PAUL” (BLUEFISH)

Galatians 6:17 Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus. (NIV)

When you look at Paul and listen to him you hear and see Jesus. He was one of those ordinary people that God used to do extraordinary things.

(On screen) Acts 19:11 God did powerful things through Paul, things quite out of the ordinary. (MSG)

Within the Bible there are literally hundreds of ordinary people who lived extraordinary lives for God. Today I’m going to give you a preview of some of the things we’re going to look at in the weeks ahead as we look at “The Marks Of A Hero”. What are these marks or characteristics?