TEXT- 1 PETER 5:8-9


Two worldly men saw an elderly churchgoer coming down the street.  One man pointed toward her saying. "I'll bet you can't mention anybody that old Miss Thompson can't find something good to say about."  The other fellow accepted the bet. "Good morning, Miss Thompson," he said politely.  "What do you think about the Devil?" Miss Thompson cocked her perky little head over to one side, "Well," she answered, "there is one good thing about him.  He's always on the job."

This morning our text is found in 1 Peter 5:8-9 and the title of my message is, "How To Fight The Devil."

As Peter draws near to the end of this letter, he knew that in the midst of their suffering, the Devil would try to destroy them spiritually.

Like a deadly animal that senses when it’s prey is vulnerable and attacks; the Devil sees that we are having problems and then tries to discourage us and tempt us to give up serving the Lord.

He may even try to get us to curse God as he did with Job.

He may try to get us to feel sorry for ourselves so that we don't want to go to church any longer.

It should be evident that by the way things are going within the Christian community and the Lord's churches in general today, the Devil is doing a very good job.

More Christians are compromising their spirituality and fewer people are going to church.  Fewer Christians are reading their Bibles because they are so busy doing so many other kinds of activities.

This morning I would like us to consider two things that will help us fight the Devil.