This morning we are going to continue with our study from the book of Second Corinthians which Paul wrote to the church in Corinth on the topic of ministry.
Whenever we become involved in ministering to others we are going to encounter various kinds problems.
During the 18 plus years that I have been in the ministry I have experienced many different kinds of problems.
I have had problems from within the churches I pastored, from members of others churches, from those who were not Christians, from my own family, from Satan, and even from within myself.
I have had problems with kids, adults, baptismal services, funerals and weddings.
An older preacher was experiencing some problems with his memory. One Saturday after performing a wedding ceremony he heard a clever joke at the wedding banquet. The groom got up and motioning for everyone to listen he said, I have a confession to make to my bride in front of all of you. I confess, dear, that before I married you, I spent many happy hours in the arms of another woman--my mother. Everybody laughed, and the minister made a mental note to use the same joke at his golden wedding anniversary which was going to be celebrated that week at his church. The fellowship hall was full of family, friends and invited guests to honor the pastor and his wife. Rising to speak and motioning everyone to listen he said, After fifty years of married life, I have a confession to make to my wife in front of all of you. Before I married my wife, I spent many happy hours in the arms of another woman--and for the life of me, I can't remember who she was.
This morning I would like us to notice four problems Paul faced in his ministry that each one of us are also going to face today in ministry..