This morning we are going to continue our study from the book of Second Corinthians which Paul wrote to the church in Corinth.

The last time we studied from this book we learned in 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 that when someone is involved in ministering to others they are always going to experience problems.

The way we react to our problems will determine whether or not we continue ministering to others.

Some people get so discouraged because of the problems they experience that they decide to quite their ministry altogether.

The apostle Paul however turned his tragedies into triumphs.

This morning our text is found in 2 Corinthians 4:7-15 and the title of my message is, "The Kind of Victory God Gives."

An eighty year old man was the best golfer in his retirement community.  Every time he swung he could hit the ball 250 yards.  The only problem he had was that he was losing his eyesight and couldn't follow the direction of the ball.  He met another eighty year old man who was not a very good golfer, but had excellent 20/20 vision.  So the two decided to team up.  One would hit the ball and the other would watch where it went.  On the first day out the big hitter stepped up to the ball and smacked it 275 yards.  Immediately the man with 20/20 vision said, "I see it, I see it, I see it."  "Where did it go?" asked the golfer.  The other man turned to him with a blank look on his face and said, "I forgot."

If you never had a problem in your ministry, you would never learn to appreciate the victories that God gives you.

As we study this passage I would like us to notice four victories that God gave to Paul and that he wants to give to you as well.