This morning as we continue with our study from the book of Second Corinthians we are going to begin a new chapter.
Paul is still speaking to the church in Corinth our text today is found in 2 Corinthians 5:1-10.
Have you ever wondered why there are some people who are more involved in ministering to others or for the lord than other people? The answer is motivation.
A frog was caught in a very deep rut on a dirt road. His friends tried to get him out without success. Eventually they decided to leave him there. The next day they returned and found the same frog along side the road and out of the rut. "I thought you were stuck for good and couldn't get out," said one of his friends." "I couldn't," said the frog, "but a truck came down the road, and I had to get out."
Isn't it amazing what people are able to do when they are motivated? What is it that motivates you to get up in the morning? What is it that motivates you to keep moving forward when everything seems to be going against you?
Paul mentions two important truths concerning the future that should motivate each one of us to do our best for God and serve him according to his word.