This morning we are going to continue with our study from the book of Second Corinthians which was a book that the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth.
As we have been studying chapter five we have learned that there are several things that should motivate us to become more involved in the ministry of the Lord.
- Knowing that we are going to receive a new body in heaven should motivate us. (Vs 1-8)
- Knowing that we will one day stand before God and give an account for what we have done here on earth should motivate us. (Vs 9-10)
- The love that Christ has for us and that we have for him should motivate us. (Vs 11-16)
Something else that should motivate us is the fact that we have been reconciled to God.
Two brothers were having a long-standing feud and decided to go to their rabbi to help them get it settled. The rabbi got the two to reconcile their differences and shake hands. As they were about to leave, he asked both of them to make a wish for the other in honor of the Jewish new year. The first brother turned to the other and said, "I wish for you what you wish for me." Immediately the second brother threw up his hands and said, "See, rabbi, he's starting it up again."
Perhaps the most famous feud we have heard about is the one between the Hatfields and the McCoys. The longest feud however is the one that exists between God and man.
This morning our text is found in 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 and the title of my message is, "How To Reconcile Any Relationship."
As we study this passage there are three things I would like us to see concerning reconciling your relationship with each other and God.