This morning we are going to continue our study from the book of Second Corinthians.

When the Apostle Paul wrote this letter to the church in Corinth he wanted them to understand the importance of becoming involved in the ministry of the Lord's church and the things that should characterize their life.

This morning our text is found in 2 Corinthians 7:1-7 and the title of my message is, "How To Have Joy No Matter What You Do."

A widow went to a seance where she was able to communicate with her late husband. "Peter" asked the woman, "are you happy now?"  "I am very happy," replied peter.  "Are you happier than you were here on earth with me?"  "Yes, I am far happier than I was on earth with you."  "Tell me, peter," asked the woman, "what is it like in heaven?"  "Heaven!" exclaimed peter.  "I'm not in heaven!"

So many people today are unhappy in their marriages, their jobs and even in the ministry.  Even many preachers are unhappy pastoring churches.  Many Sunday school teachers are unhappy teaching a class.  Many youth ministers are unhappy leading young people.  Many Christians today are not happy.

Here in chapter seven, Paul refers to being happy or joyful five different times.

In verse 4 he says, "I am overflowing with joy in all our affliction."  In verse 7 he says, "I rejoiced even more."  In verse 9 he says, "I now rejoice..."  In verse 13 he said, "We rejoiced even much more for the joy of Titus..."  Then in verse 16 he said, "I rejoiced that in everything I have confidence in you."

As we examine our text today I would like us to learn three principles for being joyful.