Text— 2 Corinthians 8:16-24
This morning we are going to continue with our study from the book of Second Corinthians.
As Paul wrote to the church in Corinth he was concerned about their involvement in the church’s ministry.
One of the ways we all need to be involved in the ministry of the Lord’s church is in the area of giving.
At this time Paul was going to different churches asking them if they would contribute to a special offering he was collecting for the poor saints in the church in Jerusalem.
The last time we looked at chapter 8 we learned that while the church in Corinth had promised to give towards this cause, they had procrastinated for more than a year to do what they had promised.
Our text today is found in 2 Corinthians 8:16-24 and the title of my message is, “How To Represent The Church Well.”
So far in chapter 8 Paul has been teaching us principles that relate to the people who give, but now he gives us some practical advice concerning the people who were collecting the offering.
As stewards of the things God has given to us we shouldn’t only be concerned with the way we give, but also how it is managed and handled after we give.
Those churches that contributed to this special offering chose three individuals to travel with Paul and represent them.
As we examine our text I would like us to consider five things that should characterize anyone who represents one of the Lord’s Churches.