Text- 2 Corinthians 11:1-6


As we continue with our study from the book of Second Corinthians Paul continues his defense of his ministry in chapter 11.

The last time we studied from this book we learned in the last part of chapter 10 that there are three things that need to be considered when we evaluate our ministry.

    A.    Am I doing God's will or their own will?

    B.    Am I giving God glory or glorifying themselves?

    C.    Am I being commended by God or commending myself?

Paul concluded chapter 10 by telling us in verse 18, "For not he who commends himself is approved, but whom the Lord commends."

Having said this he now asks the Corinthians to bear with him while he defends himself and his ministry.  This was not an easy thing for Paul to do, but it was necessary for the well being of the church in Corinth.

The reason for this was because of the false churches and ministries that existed and were trying to lead God’s people away from the truth.

False religion has been around as long as there has been true religion.  False teachers claim to be true, but in actuality they are really false.

How do you tell the difference?  How can you keep from being deceived by what is false and sucked into a false religion or cult?  How do you keep from being lead astray by false leaders?

An instructor in a karate class had just finished giving his students an exhibition on the art of self-defense.  Turning to one of them he asked,  "What steps would you take if someone were coming at you with a sharp knife?"   The student thought about it for a moment and then replied, "Big ones!"

Here in our text, Paul gives us three big steps to take in order to tell the difference between what is true and false.