Text- Matthew 5:7-12


This morning I am going to continue my series of sermons on the topic of, "Being A Servant".

Back in the early to mid 1970's the United States along with many other countries experienced an oil shortage.  I am sure most of us can remember being parked in lines which went around entire city blocks waiting to get some gas for our cars.  This shortage affected our jobs, our government and even our churches.

Today within the Lord's churches we are experiencing another kind of shortage that is having an even greater impact than the gas shortage of the 70's- a shortage of servants.

Even our own church is feeling the effects of this shortage in our:

    * Youth ministry.

    * Teaching ministry.

    * Benevolent ministry.

    * Children's ministry.

    * And administrative ministry.

Leonard Berstein, the famous orchestra conductor was once asked what he thought was the most difficult musical instrument to play. With quick wit he responded by saying, "Second fiddle. I can get plenty of first violinists, but to find one who plays second violin with as much enthusiasm or second french horn or second flute, now that's a problem. And yet if no one plays second, we have no harmony."

Servants of Christ are essential for the proper functioning of the church.  The problem though is that not many people want to be a servant.

Our text today is found in Matthew 5:7-12 and I am going to continue with the sermon I began last Sunday entitled, "The Characteristics Of A Servant".

In this passage of scripture Jesus emphasizes four more characteristics or qualities that should be found in every servant.  Last week we looked at the first four which were found in verses 3-6.  This week I would like us to focus our attention on the last four which are found in verses 7-12.

As we do this, keep in mind once again the three things that are found in each of these verses.

    * First, the word "blessed".

    * Second, a quality or characteristic of service.

    * Third, a corresponding promise.

Let's look now at our text and see what Jesus said the last four characteristics of a servant are.