Passing On Your Faith Part 1

One of the scenes from The Blues Brothers  was in a church where James Brown was the pastor.  There was a choir that was rocking and rolling.  At the end a light shines down and Belucci and Akroyd say that classic line, "We're on a mission for God."

The truth is, if you are a believer and have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, you're on a mission for God.  The moment you became a believer God gave you a new mission for your life. What is that mission?

Acts 20:24, “The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work that the Lord Jesus gave me—to tell people the Good News about God's grace.” (NCV)


Mark 16:15, “Jesus said to his followers, "Go everywhere in the world, and tell the Good News to everyone.” (NCV)  CIRCLE THE WORDS “EVERYWHERE” & “EVERYONE”

Jesus is talking to His followers -- that means you if you're a Christ follower.  He says He wants you to go everywhere and tell everyone the good news.

God wants you to be a witness for him.  Aren't you grateful God didn't say, "You will be My attorney." You don't have to prove God’s case and go for the prosecution and get a decision from a jury.  God never called us to defend Him.  Aren't you glad God didn't say, "You will be My salesman". He never said that you have to go out and motivate people to become believers.  You don't have to pressure people and do a sales job on people.  Instead, God said we are to be his witnesses.  That means sharing what happened in my life. 

God wants you to share the Good News everywhere you go and with everyone you meet.  Tonight I am going to begin a new four part series called, “Passing On Your Faith”.  In this series we’re going to look at four areas of our life where God wants us to be a witness.  Tonight eh title of my message is, “How To Be A Witness At Work”. How can I be a witness in the work place?  How can I be a missionary in the market place?  Let’s look at some do’s and don’ts of workplace witnessing.