Real Hope In Real Times - Part 8
Text 1 Peter 2:1-3
This morning our text is found in 1 Peter 2:1-3 and the title of my message is, “How To Grow.”
As Peter continues speaking about the believer’s salvation, he has been explaining to us what the fruit of salvation is.
In verses 13-16 he talked about the fruit of holiness. And in verses 17-21 he talked about the fear that we sometimes experiences as Christians. Then in 1 Peter 1:22-25 he talked about love.
Now in chapter 2 he talks about the Christians growth.
Some Christians today are like the farmer who got stuck in the mid. Whenever someone asked him how he was doing he would say, “Well, I’m not making much progress, but I’m established.” One day he got his tractor stuck in some mud. He tried and tried to get it out without success. One of his neighbors saw his situation and passed by him while commenting, “Well, neighbor Jones, I see your not making much progress, but you’re well established.”
Some of you think you’re established in the word, but you’re not growing in your Christian life. There's no room bigger in our life than the room for improvement.
The Christian life is like an airplane. If it stalls, it’s going to crash and burn.
People, like trees, must grow or die. There's no standing still. A tree dies when its roots become blocked. A human being becomes mentally and spiritually, and eventually physically, dead when the circumstances of his life keep him from achieving. - Joseph Shore
Peter refers to three aspects of growth in our text. Let’s look at them together. If I want to grow as a Christian I must...