Part 4 of 5
Jonah 3:1-10
Tonight I am going to continue with my series of messages from the Book of Jonah on the topic, “Getting A Second Chance From God.”
Our text is found in Jonah 3:1-10 and the title of my message is, “How To Make A Difference.”
You might be thinking tonight, “What is one person able to do?” Well, look at Jonah. Remember, how terribly he had failed? No doubt some people thought God would never use him again. But one of the greatest revivals in the history of mankind took place in the city of Nineveh, and it all began with Jonah.
You are making a difference when: LIVES ARE CHANGING
The truth is, you are important. In fact, you could be the key to bring about change in your home, your church, your city, your nation, your work, or your world. As one person you can make a difference.
The famous pastor Dwight L. Moody wrote this poem.
I am only one,
but I am one.
I can not do everything,
but I can do something.
And what I can do
I ought to do
and by the grace of God
Tonight I would like us to look at how Jonah made a difference and the six signs of a changed life.