Real Hope In Real Times Part 19

TEXT- 1 Peter 4:12-19


This morning we are going to continue with the verse by verse study that we have been doing from the book of First Peter.

Today our text is found in 1 Peter 4:12-19 and the title of my message is, "How To Handle Your Troubles."

How many of you have every been in the cockpit of an airplane?  In most planes there are many different instruments that tell you different things about the plane.  One very big and visible instrument is called the "attitude indicator."  This particular instrument indicates the position of the plane in relationship to the horizon.  When the plane is climbing, it has a nose-high attitude, because the nose of the plane is pointed above the horizon.  When the plane is diving it has a nose-down attitude.

The attitude indicator is vitally important because it dictates the performance of the plane.  If you want to change the performance of the plane, you must first change the attitude.  For instance, if you bring a plane into a nose-high attitude and begin to climb, the speed is going to decrease.

Just as the plane's attitude indicator dictates its performance, so does the Christian's attitude dictate his performance as a child of God.

When pilots learn how to fly they are given a special manual on "attitude flying".    As Christians, we also have a manual that tells us what kind of attitude we should have.  It’s this book - The Bible.

As Peter spoke to these early Christians about suffering, he helped them understand how to handle it.  What are you supposed to do when you suffer? What kind of attitude do we need to have?   When you suffer because you are a believer, whether at work, school, from your neighbors, or relatives that don’t understand, you need to do 5 things.